Gelatissimo - New limited edition flavour
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Gelatissimo - New limited edition flavour

Gelatissimo - New limited edition flavour

on 12 October 2017 in General News

We’ve got a very limited edition flavour in-store – Coconut Ash

Is your body ready for summer? We might just have the sweetest detox for you involving some activated charcoal (um what?!)

Don’t let its appearance fool you. Its mysterious yet delicate flavour is the result of combining the freshness of coconut water with the richness of raw cocoa beans.

You won’t believe how delightful it is until you taste it!

Available for a limited time only.  It’s time to say goodbye to those toxins and say hello to summer!

Come see us at Marketplace Gungahlin, Shop 37, Entry off Hibberson Street, out the front of the Woolworths Mall.