Back to school tips
on 21 January 2016 in General News
School holidays are coming to an end, and parents all over the country are breathing a sigh of relief. Now we just have to get the kids organised for another year of school! Here are our tips for avoiding the back-to-school blues:
- Try to get the kids back into a regular sleeping pattern a week or so before school starts – this will ease them back into the earlier starts and ensure your mornings run a lot more smoothly.
- Organise your school supplies early – head to Big W to stock up on lunchboxes, school shoes and clothing, backpacks, stationery and more.
- Avoid a last minute rush and prepare school lunches the night before, storing them in the fridge or freezer. Get ahead by making a week's worth of sandwiches and freezing them. If you put them in the lunch box frozen, they'll be ready to eat by lunch time.
- Lay out school uniforms the night before school, so the kids have everything ready to get themselves dressed in the morning. This means there’ll be no last minute dramas looking for a missing pair of socks!
- Share the drop-off duty and carpool with other parents in your neighbourhood or take it in turns walking the kids to school.
- No matter how busy you are, make sure everyone eats breakfast before they go to school. Whether it’s a bowl of cereal, toast, boiled eggs, or fruit and yoghurt, a good breakfast will give kids energy and keep them going till lunchtime.
- Talk to your kids if they have any concerns about going to school. Ask them what they are looking forward to and if anything is worrying them. This can help clear up any issues before school starts, and means your children will feel comfortable sharing any future concerns with you.