Centre Services - Marketplace Gungahlin
General hours today
9am - 5:30pm
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Centre Services

Centre Services

Welcome to Marketplace

Marketplace Gungahlin is a convenient shopping centre located in the heart of the thriving Gungahlin.

Anchored by Woolworths, Kmart and Big W, Marketplace Gungahlin is your one-stop shop for shopping, dining and everyday services.

Free Wi-Fi

Enjoy free Wi-Fi whilst in Centre

  1. To connect, ensure Wi-Fi is enabled on your device
  2. Select “MarketplaceGungahlin”.

Whether you’re shopping, grabbing a bite to eat, or catching up with a friend, you can enjoy up to 300MB of free data every day.

Family Amenities

Visitng with kids? Marketplace offers two parents’ rooms located conveniently around the Centre.

Woolworths Mall

We offer a five-star Breast Feeding Australia accredited parents’ room in the Woolworths Mall (G5 on map). Equipped with private feeding cubicles, changing benches, microwave and sinks.

BIG W Mall 

You will also find In the BIG W Mall behind the kid’s play area, there is also a well-resourced parents’ room.


For the convenience of our customers, Marketplace Gungahlin offers 2 hours free parking.

There’s over 1300 undercover car spaces for you to choose from – with convenience direct access to shops.

Electric Vehicle Chargers are available in the carpark located off Ernest Cavanaugh and Gozzard Street!

Your Opinion Matters!

Let us know your feedback on Marketplace Gungahlin. Have your say and leave a review at Google My Business. 

Not sure how to post a review? It’s easy!

Type “Marketplace Gungahlin” into the Google search engine. When the search results appear, look for the Marketplace Gungahlin listing on the right to select ‘Write a review’ and away you go!