Spring clean your life!
It’s been said that it can take 21 days to break a habit. But what if you replace a bad habit with a good one? Give bad habits the boot with these new healthy habits:
Swap skipping breakfast for always eating breakfast
You may think skipping breakfast is a good way to lower your overall food intake, but skipping meals will cause your blood sugar levels to fluctuate – leaving you grumpy, tired and craving fatty, sugary foods. So make sure you power up your morning with a good breakfast such as a bowl of muesli with fruit or eggs on wholegrain toast. No time for breakfast? Grab a yoghurt or piece of fruit to eat on the run.
Swap driving short distances for walking or taking public transport
Every bit of movement adds up, and incorporating walking into your transport is a good way to up your activity levels. If you really need to drive, try parking your car further away from your destination and walking the extra distance.
Swap takeaway meals for home cooking
Home cooking will always be healthier than takeaway, so try to cook at home where possible. This may require extra organisation but will be worth the effort, and you’ll save money! If you really don't have time to cook or just don't like cooking, that doesn't mean you can't eat healthily. Just make smart choices. You can put together your own meals by purchasing foods such as a ready-made salad with tinned tuna or salmon or chicken breast from your local chicken shop. Eating takeaway doesn’t have to mean resorting to fast food.
Swap rewarding yourself with food for a different reward
If you’ve been working out and eating healthily all week, you may be tempted to reward yourself with a treat. After all, you’ve earned it, right? But if you’re tucking into desserts after a workout, you’re undoing all your hard work. Try rewarding yourself with something other than food – a new piece of clothing, magazine, pedicure or seeing a movie. This way, you still get the treat you deserve, plus the benefits of your healthy eating and exercise.
Looking for more advice on switching to a healthier lifestyle? Talk to the weight loss experts at Cohen’s Weight Loss Clinic today.